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Local setup

These instructions are for first-time setup on a “local” or “development” environment.

On Mac OS X


You may already have some of these prerequisites installed. Skip or update the packages that already exist.

  1. Install XCode Developer Tools.

  2. (Optional) Install the Homebrew package manager. This makes installing other software packages easier, but you can use any other package installation method you wish. In this example and in the following steps, we will use Homebrew on the command line to set up your development environment.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install Node.js. In production, Streetmix uses the latest “Active LTS” release. Locally, you should be able to use any version of Node.js in the “Current” or “Active” state. While you can download installers and binaries from the website, Homebrew makes it easier to keep Node.js up to date in the future. Let’s install Node.js with Homebrew:
brew install nodejs

If you do a lot of Node.js development and want to manage multiple versions (e.g. for working on different projects) we recommend installing Node.js with nvm instead of Homebrew.

  1. Install PostgreSQL. You can download a MacOSX package or use the Postgres app, but the easiest method would be to use Homebrew, again:
brew install postgres
  1. Install PostGIS. You can download a MacOSX package but just like above the easiest method would be to use Homebrew:
brew install postgis

Install and run Streetmix

After prerequisites are installed, continue to Instructions for all systems.

On Windows

These instructions below will assume that the user has basic familiarity with Git, GitHub, and the Git Bash or Windows Powershell command line interface, and has administrative permissions to install software on the machine.


Streetmix was not developed on a Windows platform, and testing is limited. These instructions may go out of date without warning.


You may already have some of these prerequisites installed. Skip or update the packages that already exist.

  1. Install a modern browser. We recommend Firefox or Chrome. Internet Explorer is not supported.
  2. Install Git. You may want to consider following Microsoft’s guide to Windows Subsystem for Linux, which helps us provide similar command line instructions to Mac OSX and Linux environments.
  3. Install Node.js. The site should detect your Windows system and provide you with the correct install executable, or you can choose to download a specific package or installer. In production, Streetmix uses the latest “Active LTS” release. Locally, you should be able to use any version of Node.js in the “Current” or “Active” state.
  4. Install PostgreSQL. You can download a Windows package here.
  5. Install PostGIS. You can download a Windows package here.

Install and run Streetmix

After prerequisites are installed, continue to Instructions for all systems.

On Linux

The Linux ecosystem can vary greatly depending on distribution (or distro) and developer preferences, which makes it challenging to maintain accurate and up-to-date installation instructions that will be perfect for every instance. Consequently, our instructions must assume that the user has basic familiarity with their own system, that common developer tools such as git are already installed or that the user knows how to obtain them on their own, and that the user has the necessary permissions to install software on the machine.

Here, our goal is to provide quick-start instructions that should work in most cases, with minimal configuration. However, experienced developers should feel free to modify any of the instructions as necessary according to their own preferences (e.g. database usernames, etc.).


The primary requirements for this project are Node.js, PostgreSQL and PostGIS. You will need those installed if you do not have them already.

  1. Install Node.js. There are different methods for installing Node.js, and you will need to choose a method depending on your own preference. In production, Streetmix uses the latest “Active LTS” release. Locally, you should be able to use any version of Node.js in the “Current” or “Active” state.
  2. Install PostgreSQL. From the PostgreSQL download page, select Linux, then your Linux distribution, for installation instructions.
  3. Install PostGIS. Linux instructions (per distro) are available here.

Configure PostgreSQL

Different Linux distros may require an additional configuration step for PostgreSQL to function. The following instructions apply to distros we have encountered.


Here are additional setup instructions for ArchLinux.


The Debian or Ubuntu package restricts authentication methods, so a username and password must be set in order for Streetmix to access the database. If you experience login problems, check the pg_hba.conf file to see if the trust authentication method is present for the user. You can either modify that configuration file, or follow these basic instructions for setting up a new user.

# Switch to the PostgreSQL administrator user
sudo -iu postgres

# Create a new username
# Tip: if you create a user with the same name as your Linux
# username, you won't need to set the username in Streetmix
createuser streetmix_user

# Enter the PostgreSQL console

# Give your user permission to create and migrate the database

# Set a user password
ALTER USER streetmix_user WITH PASSWORD 'password';

# Leave the database
# Note: if prompted, type q

# Switch back to original user

The user created here only needs the SUPERUSER role during migration. After a successful initial migration, you may remove the SUPERUSER role.


If you experience issues with PostgreSQL on a distro not covered here, you may need to look for help in that distro’s community. We welcome contributions to our documentation to help We also welcome contributions to our documentation, so if you get Streetmix up and running on a different distro and would like to share how, please feel free!

Install and run Streetmix

After prerequisites are installed, continue to Instructions for all systems.

Instructions for all systems

After installing all prerequisites, you can now install and run Streetmix. The following command-line instructions below should be common for all platforms.

Tip for Windows

We recommend using Git Bash or Windows Powershell, instead of the default Command Prompt, for command-line interactions.

Clone and install Streetmix

  1. In the command line terminal, clone the Streetmix repository to your computer.
git clone
  1. Change the directory to Streetmix’s root directory, and install project dependencies.
cd streetmix && npm install

We are not using the Yarn package manager. Installing with Yarn may cause unpredictable errors.

  1. (Optional) If necessary, create a .env file and set PostgreSQL credentials. By default, this is not required by most environments. For more information, see Setting environment variables.

Set your username and password, as well as any other database credentials you have, by uncommenting the appropriate lines and setting the environment variables. For example:


If the PostgreSQL username is the same as your operating system’s current username, PGUSER will be set to it by default, and you won’t need to specify it explicitly.

  1. Initialize the PostgreSQL database.
npx sequelize db:create
npx sequelize db:migrate
NODE_ENV=test npx sequelize db:create
NODE_ENV=test npx sequelize db:migrate

We create two databases, one for your development environment and one for a test environment. Both of them need to be set up. You cannot run Streetmix without a database, so this is an important step!

Sequelize will print a confirmation or an error message after completing each command. Once this is completed, you should be able to inspect the databases using psql or pgAdmin. A modern, open source, and cross-platform database GUI tool is Beekeeper Studio.


If you run into issues creating or migrating the database, you can access “verbose” debug output from Sequelize (which is, unfortunately, not well-documented). Prepend the affected command with the DEBUG variable, like so:

DEBUG=sequelize* npx sequelize db:migrate

To debug a migration on a Heroku application instance, use:

heroku run 'DEBUG=sequelize* npx sequelize db:migrate' --app <heroku app id>

Setting environment variables

Environment variables store configuration data for each instance of Streetmix. It’s also where we put secret values like authentication keys and passwords used to connect to third-party services. Just like regular passwords, secrets should never be revealed to the public, so we store them in a .env file that isn’t committed to the repository.

You can create a new .env by copying the template .env.example in the Streetmix root directory.

cp .env.example .env

Edit the file with the text editor of your choice.

vim .env

For local development, you can obtain your own keys from each third-party service by creating a free-tier account at each one. If you need the secret keys to services used in production instances, you will need to ask the Streetmix maintainers.

Required environment variables

The only required environment variables are the keys used for the Auth0 authentication service. Streetmix will run without this, but a lot of functionality is only available to signed-in users, and you will need these keys to sign in.

Variable nameDescriptionRequired
AUTH0_DOMAINAuthentication service (Auth0) domainYes
AUTH0_CLIENT_IDAuthentication service (Auth0) client IDYes
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRETAuthentication service (Auth0) client secretYes

Server configuration environment variables

These environment variables configure the Node.js environment and the URL (hostname, port, and protocol) used for creating canonical URLs to an instance of Streetmix. By default, Streetmix assumes it is running in a local, development environment.

Variable nameDescriptionDefault valueRequired
NODE_ENVName of the Node.js environment. production is used for live services. test is used for local testing and continuous integration.developmentNo
APP_DOMAINDomain name hosting this instancelocalhostNo
APP_PROTOCOLURL protocol for this instance, either http or https.http for localhost; https for all other domainsNo
PORTDomain port for this instance8000No

Optional environment variables for third-party services

Streetmix will run without these keys. Some non-critical functionality may be limited.

Variable nameDescriptionRequired
CLOUDINARY_API_KEYImage cloud storage (Cloudinary) keyNo
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRETImage cloud storage (Cloudinary) secretNo
FACEBOOK_APP_IDFacebook app ID for social sharingNo
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEYNew Relic monitoring API keyNo
PELIAS_API_KEYGeocoding (Pelias) API keyNo
PELIAS_HOST_NAMEGeocoding (Pelias) API serverNo
PLAUSIBLE_DOMAINAnalytics (Plausible) domain to trackNo
TRANSIFEX_API_TOKENTranslations (Transifex) API tokenNo
WEB_MONETIZATION_PAYMENT_POINTERPayment pointer for Web Monetization API paymentsNo

Optional environment variables for PostgreSQL database configuration

Environment variables are the preferred way for PostgreSQL to access the database. If you have a local database that are not using default values, you can set these here as well. Usually, you won’t need to specify these at all.

Variable nameDescriptionDefault value
PGUSERPostgreSQL username(your system username)
PGPASSWORDPostgreSQL password(none)
PGDATABASEPostgreSQL database namestreetmix_dev
PGHOSTPostgreSQL server host IP127.0.0.1
PGPORTPostgreSQL server port5432
DATABASE_URLDatabase connection URL(none)

A DATABASE_URL may be provided by hosting services with database add-ons, like Heroku. If a URL is provided, its properties will take precedence over any PostgreSQL configuration variables.

Optional environment variables for additional configuration

These optional keys may be set to adjust functionality.

Variable nameDescriptionRequired
COOKIE_SESSION_SECRETA secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies. If your environment can securely generate or rotate secrets, do that.No
DEBUGIf true, turns on verbose debug logging.No
OFFLINE_MODEIf true, set “offline mode” to make the app work without Internet access.No
STREETMIX_INSTANCEStreetmix instance identifierNo

Sample .env

A sample .env file looks like this:



  • Store config in the environment [The Twelve-Factor App] — This is why we use environment variables, and not configuration files, to configure each instance of Streetmix.

Starting the application

  1. Start the PostgreSQL service. (Note: the method for doing this may differ depending on your operating system and how you installed PostgreSQL.)

  2. Start the web server. In the Streetmix project directory, run:

npm start
  1. Load the application in your web browser by navigating to http://localhost:8000 or by running in your terminal:
open http://localhost:8000

Stopping the application

To stop running Streetmix, press Ctrl-C in your terminal.

Updating the application

Every so often, you will need to update the project.

  1. Pull the latest code from the repository.
git pull
  1. Install the latest version of all dependencies.
npm install
  1. Update the database schema.
npx sequelize db:migrate

Setup in an offline environment


“Offline mode” is not a well-supported feature of Streetmix. Use it with care.

This is for a special case where you may need to deploy Streetmix onto machines that are going to be running in an environment without Internet access, such as a public space without Wi-Fi, or a conference center with very limited Wi-Fi. To put Streetmix into “offline mode”, set the OFFLINE_MODE environment variable to true.

You may do this by editing the .env file (see Setting environment variables for more information).

You can also do it one time by starting the server like this:

OFFLINE_MODE=true npm start

When you are running Streetmix offline, you do not need to provide environment variables for external third-party services such as Auth0.


If you run into problems, please see Troubleshooting.