Project architecture and organization
Our stack
Streetmix is a Node.js and JavaScript project. We use the following frameworks:
- Express, a web application framework. This is the server side of Streetmix. It handles HTTP requests and serves files and data requested by the front end.
- PostgreSQL, a relational database. All the data on the server is stored in PostgreSQL.
- PostGIS, PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL, adding support for geographic objects.
- Parcel, a web application bundler. When Streetmix starts, it uses Parcel to bundle all the front end JavaScript and CSS.
- Babel, a compiler which allows us to use modern JavaScript in browsers that do not yet support it.
- React, a front-end user interface framework. Most UI is rendered with React.
- Redux (with Redux Toolkit), a state management framework that usually works alongside React. We maintain most application state in Redux, using Redux Toolkit to help make it easier to write code for Redux.
- PostCSS, a CSS processor. It provides a lot of functionality, such as the ability to automatically prefix CSS properties for browser compatibility.
Dependency pinning
We pin our dependencies, which means that we specify exact dependency versions, not version ranges, in package.json
. This allows Streetmix to run with the greatest reliability and consistency across different computing environments.
Because Streetmix is an application, and it’s not intended to be imported by other applications, we don’t need the flexibility that comes from using version ranges. As a result, all developers, and any deployment environments, are running the same code for any given commit. This consistency makes obscure bugs easier to track down and resolve.
The tradeoff is that this introduces “upgrade noise”. We are currently using Dependabot, an automated service that creates pull requests whenever a dependency has updated. Because we have pinned dependencies, these services create a new branch and opens a new pull request for every depedency update, no matter how minor. We may turn these services off or change its update frequency when we need to limit the noise.
- Should you Pin your Javascript Dependencies? [Renovate Docs]
Browser support
Browser support includes the last two major versions of any of the evergreen desktop browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Edge). Commonly-used tablet devices such as iPads are supported, as well as laptops with touchscreens.
Mobile support is limited, because the application was not initially designed for mobile, but we expect support to be complete eventually.