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Code contributions

If you have the capacity to write code, and wish to contribute to Streetmix, we’d love your help! No patch is too small. We welcome patches to fix typos, add comments, or refactor code.

We use GitHub Flow to make changes and proposals to our codebase.

Before you begin

Before writing any new feature or code, it’s best to have a brief conversation with the Streetmix team to make sure we’re all on the same page. Please check GitHub issues to see if a feature is already being discussed or worked on, and comment there to register your interest. If it hasn’t been discussed, please feel free to open a new issue for it.

You can also join our Discord server and talk with us there. A little bit of communication will go a long way, making it more likely that we’re able to accept your work when it’s ready!

Submitting a pull request

  1. Fork the project, if you do not already have write access to the repository. Individuals making significant and valuable contributions will be given write access.
  2. Create a new branch. Changes should always be made in a new feature branch. The branch should be named in the format username/feature-name.
  3. Implement your feature or bug fix. Writing code is the fun part Before you start any work, it’s a good idea to talk to the team first, so that we can be sure you’re on the right track.
  4. Commit your changes. Commit messages should follow semantic commit message format. When committing, we use hooks to run code style linting. If it fails, please correct (or override) the code and commit again.
  5. Push your changes. After pushing, we run continuous integration tests in the cloud to make sure commits pass. We recommend manually running tests locally as well.
  6. Submit a pull request. Ideally, pull requests contain small, self-contained changes with a few commits, which are easier to review. You can simplify a review and merge process by making sure your branch contains no conflicts with the main branch and is up-to-date (either by rebasing on main or merging it in) when the pull request is created. If the pull request addresses an open issue, be sure to reference it in your request’s title or description.
  7. Wait for a review. A project maintainer will review your pull request and either approve, reject, or request changes on it. A well-written, small pull request that fixes an open issue is most likely to be approved and merged quickly. Once merged, a branch is deleted.

Stale branches, especially ones that cannot be cleanly merged anymore, are likely to be deleted after some amount of time has passed.